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The Global EV Industry Set New Records Across the Board in November 2020

November sales surge translates to a handful of all-time highs for the global EV industry

In November 2020, the global EV industry set new all-time records for EV sales, market penetration, and battery and battery materials deployment.

Record EV sales and market penetration

Global passenger xEV sales (HEVs, PHEVs and BEVs) totaled 636,819 units in November 2020, the highest recorded monthly sales of 2020 and a new all-time global record.

Leading the charge was China, where monthly EV sales have increased steadily from a low of 17,667 in February 2020 to a Chinese all-time high of 230,399 in November 2020.

Electrified vehicles made up 9.2% of global passenger car and light truck sales in November 2020, setting yet another all-time global record.

Record battery capacity deployment

In November 2020, global passenger EV battery capacity deployment amounted to an all-time high of 16.76 GWh, up 7.6% over the previous record set in September of the same year.

Leading the pack in November were LG Chem (4.6 GWh deployed), CATL (4.5 GWh deployed) and a distant Panasonic (2.8 GWh deployed), followed by BYD, Samsung SDI and SK Innovation.

Chemistry-wise, global deployment of NCM 6-series and NCM 5-series passenger EV cells each amounted to 3.9 GWh in November 2020, followed by NCM 8-series, LFP and NCA Gen-3 cells, respectively.

Record high graphite deployment

In November 2020, global graphite deployment in the batteries of newly sold passenger EVs amounted to 14,663 tonnes, up 12.6% over the previous high set in September of the same year.

By country, China led the way with 7,370 tonnes of graphite deployed in newly sold EV batteries in November 2020, followed by Germany with 1,662 tonnes and the U.S. with 1,463 tonnes.

By automaker, Tesla was responsible for 19% of all graphite deployed globally in November 2020, more than half for the Model 3 alone.

Record high lithium deployment

In November 2020, global lithium deployment in the batteries of newly sold passenger EVs amounted to 10,408 tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”), up 9.5% over the previous high set in September of the same year.

By cell supplier, LG Chem led the pack with 2,938 tonnes of LCE deployed in newly sold EV batteries in November 2020, followed by CATL with 2,873 tonnes and Panasonic with 1,424 tonnes.

By region, 5,218 tonnes of LCE were deployed in newly sold passenger EVs in Asia Pacific, 3,880 tonnes were deployed in Europe and 1,284 tonnes in the Americas.

Record high cobalt deployment

In November 2020, global cobalt deployment in the batteries of newly sold passenger EVs amounted to 2,283 tonnes, up 9.0% over the previous high set in September of the same year.

By country, China led the way with 858 tonnes of cobalt deployed in newly sold EV batteries in November 2020, followed by Germany with 368 tonnes and the U.S. with 187 tonnes.

By EV type, BEV batteries were responsible for 78% of all cobalt deployed globally in November 2020, PHEVs were responsible for 19% and HEVs 3%.

Record high manganese deployment

In November 2020, global manganese deployment in the batteries of newly sold passenger EVs amounted to 2,669 tonnes, up 12.2% over the previous high set a month earlier.

By region, 1,286 tonnes of manganese were deployed in newly sold passenger EVs in Europe, 1,223 tonnes were deployed in Asia Pacific and 142 tonnes in the Americas.

By EV model, the Renault Zoe took the lead globally with 89 tonnes of manganese deployed, followed by the VW ID.3, Great Wall ORA Euler R1, Audi e-Tron Quattro and Nissan Leaf.

Second highest nickel deployment on record

In November 2020, global nickel deployment in the batteries of newly sold passenger EVs amounted to 9,006 tonnes, down 5.2% from September’s all-time high and the second highest month on record.

By EV type, BEV batteries were responsible for 80% of all nickel deployed globally in November 2020, PHEVs were responsible for 7% and HEVs 13%.

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